Material Design & Tribology LAB

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gachon University

Dry wear behavior of identical tetrahedral amorphous carbon nanofilms on sintered composites and metal substrate with varying load bearing capacities

Journal of Materials Research and Technology


Role of surface wetting on tribological behavior for laser nanotextured steel using ionic liquid lubricants

Journal of manufacturing processes


Self-cleaning mechanisms according to the wettability of the surface and deposition material

Applied Surface Science


Investigation of Biomass Fouling on Screw Feeder in Preconversion of Pyrolysis

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering


Knock sensing and imaging from structural bending waves

ICT Express


Wear Mechanism Analysis of a New Rotary Shear Biomass Comminution System

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering


Recent development in friction of 2D materials: from mechanisms to applications



Composition-Preserving Extraction and Characterization of Biomass Extrinsic and Intrinsic Inorganic Compounds

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
